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1. Introduction

This write-up will guide you through the process of using the Ansible playbooks to deploy a Baremetal Installer Provisioned Infrastructure (IPI) of Red Hat OpenShift 4.

For the manual details, visit our Deployment Guide

2. Prerequisites

  • Best Practice Minimum Setup: 6 Physical servers (1 provision node, 3 master and 2 worker nodes)

  • Best Practice Minimum Setup for disconnected environments: 7 Physical servers (1 provision node, 1 registry node[1], 3 master and 2 worker nodes)

  • Minimum Setup: 4 Physical servers (1 provision node, 3 master nodes)

  • Minimum Setup for disconnected environments: 5 Physical servers (1 provision node, 1 registry node[1], 3 master nodes)

  • Each server needs 2 NICs pre-configured. NIC1 for the private network and NIC2 for the baremetal network. NIC interface names must be identical across all nodes[2]

  • It is recommended each server have a RAID-1 configured and initialized (though not enforced)

  • Each server must have IPMI configured

  • Each server must have DHCP setup for the baremetal NICs

  • Each server must have DNS setup for the API, wildcard applications

  • A DNS VIP is IP on the baremetal network is required for reservation. Reservation is done via our DHCP server (though not required).

  • Optional - Include DNS entries for the hostnames for each of the servers

  • Download a copy of your Pull Secret

Due to the complexities of properly configuring an environment, it is recommended to review the following steps prior to running the Ansible playbook as without proper setup, the Ansible playbook won’t work.

The section to review and ensure proper configuration are as follows:

Once the above is complete, install Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.x on your provision node and create a user (i.e. kni) to deploy as non-root and provide that user sudo privileges.

For simplicity, the steps to create the user named kni is as follows:

  1. Login into the provision node via ssh

  2. Create a user (i.e kni) to deploy as non-root and provide that user sudo privileges

    useradd kni
    passwd kni
    echo "kni ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/kni
    chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/kni
  3. Enable a dnf local repository on the provision host

3. Tour of the Ansible Playbook

  • inventory - contains the file hosts.sample that:

    • contains all the modifiable variables, their default values, and their definition. Some variables are empty ensuring users give an explicit value.

    • the setting up of your provision node, master nodes, and worker nodes. Each section will require additional details (i.e. Management credentials).

  • requirements - contains the list of collections required by the playbook.

    • The collections include two roles: redhatci.ocp.node_prep and redhatci.ocp.installer. redhatci.ocp.node_prep handles all the prerequisites that the provisioner node requires prior to running the installer. The redhatci.ocp.installer role handles extracting the installer, setting up the manifests, and running the Red Hat OpenShift installation.

The tree structure is shown below:

├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
│   └── hosts.sample
├── playbook.yml
└── requirements.yml

4. Running the Ansible Playbook

The following are the steps to successfully run the Ansible playbook.

4.1. git clone the Ansible playbook

The first step to using the Ansible playbook is to clone the baremetal-deploy repository.

This should be done on a system that can access the provision host
  1. Clone the git repository

    [user@laptop ~]$ git clone
  2. Change to the ansible-ipi-install directory

    [user@laptop ~]$ cd /path/to/git/repo/baremetal-deploy/ansible-ipi-install

4.2. Install the required Ansible collections

The Ansible playbook makes use of different collections defined in the requirements.yml file. Two of the main roles come from the redhatci.ocp collection.

  1. Install required collections

[user@laptop ~]$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml

4.3. The ansible.cfg file

While the ansible.cfg may vary upon your environment a sample is provided in the repository.

callback_whitelist = profile_tasks


Ensure to change the remote_user as deemed appropriate for your environment. The remote_user is the user previously created on the provision node.

4.4. Ansible version

Ensure that your environment is using Ansible 2.9 or greater. The following command can be used to verify.

ansible --version
ansible 2.9.1
  config file = /path/to/baremetal-deploy/ansible-ipi-install/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/path/to/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.7.2 (default, Jan 16 2019, 19:49:22) [GCC 8.2.1 20181215 (Red Hat 8.2.1-6)]
The config file section should point to the path of your ansible.cfg

4.5. Copy local SSH key to provision node

With the ansible.cfg file in place, the next step is to ensure to copy your public ssh key to your provision node using ssh-copy-id.

From the system that is to run the playbook,

$ ssh-copy-id <user>
<user> should be the user previously created on the provision node (i.e. kni)

4.6. Modifying the inventory/hosts

The hosts file provides all the definable variables and provides a description of each variable. Some of the variables are explicitly left empty and require user input for the playbook to run.

The hosts file ensures all your nodes that will be used to deploy IPI on baremetal are setup. There are 4 groups: masters, workers, provisioner, and registry_host (optional). The masters and workers group collects information about the host such as its name, role, user management (i.e. iDRAC) user, user management (i.e. iDRAC) password, ipmi_address, ipmi_port to access the server and the provision mac address (NIC1) that resides on the provisioning network.

Below is a sample of the inventory/hosts file


# Required configuration variables for IPI on Baremetal Installations         #

# The provisioning NIC (NIC1) used on all baremetal nodes

# The public NIC (NIC2) used on all baremetal nodes

# (Optional) Set the provisioning bridge name. Default value is 'provisioning'.

# (Optional) Set the baremetal bridge name. Default value is 'baremetal'.

# (Optional) Activation-key for proper setup of subscription-manager, empty value skips registration

# (Optional) Activation-key org_id for proper setup of subscription-manager, empty value skips registration

# The directory used to store the cluster configuration files (install-config.yaml, pull-secret.txt, metal3-config.yaml)
dir="{{ ansible_user_dir }}/clusterconfigs"

# The version of the openshift-installer, undefined or empty results in the playbook failing with error message.
# Values accepted: 'latest-4.3', 'latest-4.4', explicit version i.e. 4.3.0-0.nightly-2019-12-09-035405

# Enter whether the build should use 'dev' (nightly builds) or 'ga' for Generally Available version of OpenShift
# Empty value results in playbook failing with error message.

# (Optional) Provisioning IP Network and dhcp range (default value)
# If defined, make sure to update 'prov_ip' with a valid IP outside of your 'prov_dhcp_range' and update all other places like 'no_proxy_list'
# prov_network=
# prov_dhcp_range=","

# Provisioning IP address (default value)

# (Optional) Enable playbook to pre-download RHCOS images prior to cluster deployment and use them as a local
# cache.  Default is false.

# (Optional) Enable IPv6 addressing instead of IPv4 addressing

# (Optional) When ipv6_enabled is set to True, but want IPv4 addressing on provisioning network
# Default is false.

# (Optional) When ipv6_enabled is set to True, but want IPv4 addressing on baremetal network

# (Optional) A list of clock servers to be used in chrony by the masters and workers

# (Optional) Provide HTTP proxy settings

# (Optional) Provide HTTPS proxy settings

# (Optional) comma-separated list of hosts, IP Addresses, or IP ranges in CIDR format
# excluded from proxying
# NOTE: OpenShift does not accept '*' as a wildcard attached to a domain suffix
# i.e. *
# Use '.' as the wildcard for a domain suffix as shown in the example below.
# i.e.

# The default installer timeouts for the bootstrap and install processes may be too short for some baremetal
# deployments. The variables below can be used to extend those timeouts.

# (Optional) Increase bootstrap process timeout by N iterations.

# (Optional) Increase install process timeout by N iterations.

# (Optional) Disable RedFish inspection to intelligently choose between IPMI or RedFish protocol.
# By default this feature is enabled and set to true. Uncomment below to disable and use IPMI.

# (Optional) Modify files on the node filesystems, you can augment the "fake" roots for the
# control plane and worker nodes.
# If defined, playbook will look for files in control plane and worker subdirectories.
# Otherwise, it will look in {{ role_path }}/files/customize_filesystem (default)
# For more information on modifying node filesystems visit:

# (Optional) Modify the path to add external manifests to the deployed nodes.
# There are two folders manifests/ and openshift/
# If defined, the playbook will copy manifests from the user provided directory.
# Otherwise, files will be copied from the default location 'roles/installer/files/manifests/*'

# Vars regarding install-config.yaml #

# Base domain, i.e.
# Name of the cluster, i.e. openshift
# The public CIDR address, i.e.
# An IP reserved on the baremetal network.
# An IP reserved on the baremetal network for the API endpoint.
# (Optional) If not set, a DNS lookup verifies that api.<clustername>.<domain> provides an IP
# An IP reserved on the baremetal network for the Ingress endpoint.
# (Optional) If not set, a DNS lookup verifies that *.apps.<clustername>.<domain> provides an IP
# The master hosts provisioning nic
# (Optional) If not set, the prov_nic will be used
# Network Type (OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes). Playbook defaults to OVNKubernetes.
# Uncomment below for OpenShiftSDN
# (Optional) A URL to override the default operating system image for the bootstrap node.
# The URL must contain a sha256 hash of the image.
# See
#   Example
# (Optional) A URL to override the default operating system image for the cluster nodes.
# The URL must contain a sha256 hash of the image.
# See
# Example
# A copy of your pullsecret from

# (Optional) Disable BMC Certification Validation. When using self-signed certificates for your BMC, ensure to set to True.
# Default value is False.

# (Optional) Enable RedFish VirtualMedia/iDRAC VirtualMedia

# (Required when enable_virtualmedia is set to True) Set an available IP address from the baremetal net for these two variables

# (Optional) A MAC address to use for the external NIC on the bootstrap VM. This is optional and if blank is generated by libvirt.

# Master nodes
# The hardware_profile is used by the baremetal operator to match the hardware discovered on the host
# See
# ipmi_port is optional for each host. 623 is the common default used if omitted
# poweroff is optional. True or ommited (by default) indicates the playbook will power off the node before deploying OCP
#  otherwise set it to false
# (Optional) OpenShift 4.6+, Set Root Device Hints to choose the proper device to install operating system on OpenShift nodes.
# root device hint options include: ['deviceName','hctl','model','vendor','serialNumber','minSizeGigabytes','wwn','rotational']
# Root Device Hint values are case sensitive.
# root_device_hint="deviceName"
# root_device_hint_value="/dev/sda"

master-0 name=master-0 role=master ipmi_user=admin ipmi_password=password ipmi_address= ipmi_port=623 provision_mac=ec:f4:bb:da:0c:58 hardware_profile=default poweroff=true
master-1 name=master-1 role=master ipmi_user=admin ipmi_password=password ipmi_address= ipmi_port=623 provision_mac=ec:f4:bb:da:32:88 hardware_profile=default poweroff=true
master-2 name=master-2 role=master ipmi_user=admin ipmi_password=password ipmi_address= ipmi_port=623 provision_mac=ec:f4:bb:da:0d:98 hardware_profile=default poweroff=true

# Worker nodes
worker-0 name=worker-0 role=worker ipmi_user=admin ipmi_password=password ipmi_address= ipmi_port=623 provision_mac=ec:f4:bb:da:0c:18 hardware_profile=unknown poweroff=true
worker-1 name=worker-1 role=worker ipmi_user=admin ipmi_password=password ipmi_address= ipmi_port=623 provision_mac=ec:f4:bb:da:32:28 hardware_profile=unknown poweroff=true

# Provision Host

# Registry Host
#   Define a host here to create or use a local copy of the installation registry
#   Used for disconnected installation
# [registry_host]

# [registry_host:vars]
# The following cert_* variables are needed to create the certificates
#   when creating a disconnected registry. They are not needed to use
#   an existing disconnected registry.
# cert_country=US #it must be two letters country
# cert_state=MyState
# cert_locality=MyCity
# cert_organization=MyCompany
# cert_organizational_unit=MyDepartment

# The port exposed on the disconnected registry host can be changed from
# the default 5000 to something else by changing the following variable.
# registry_port=5000

# The directory the mirrored registry files are written to can be modified from teh default /opt/registry by changing the following variable.
# registry_dir="/opt/registry"

# The following two variables must be set to use an existing disconnected registry.
# Specify a file that contains extra auth tokens to include in the
#   pull-secret if they are not already there.
# disconnected_registry_auths_file=/path/to/registry-auths.json

# Specify a file that contains the addition trust bundle and image
#   content sources for the local registry. The contents of this file
#   will be appended to the install-config.yml file.
# disconnected_registry_mirrors_file=/path/to/install-config-appends.json

The ipmi_address can take a fully qualified name assuming it is resolvable.

The ipmi_port examples above show how a user can specify a different ipmi_port for each host within their inventory file. If the ipmi_port variable is omitted from the inventory file, the default of 623 will be used.

A detailed description of the vars under the section Vars regarding install-config.yaml may be reviewed within Configuration Files if unsure how to populate.

4.6.1. Enabling dual-stack based deployments (optional).

Users now can deploy dual-stack based deployments using ansible-playbook by including below variables under inventory/hosts.sample file.

extcidrnet="<ipv4-subnet-for-your-cluster>"   #Ex:
extcidrnet6="<ipv6-subnet-for-your-cluster>"  #Ex: fe80:12:0:4567::/64
Only applicable for OCP versions greater than 4.6.

4.7. The Ansible playbook.yml

The Ansible playbook connects to your provision host and runs through the redhatci.ocp.node_prep role and the redhatci.ocp.installer role. No modification is necessary. All modifications of variables may be done within the inventory/hosts file. A sample file is located in this repository under inventory/hosts.sample. From the system that is to run the playbook,

Sample playbook.yml
- name: IPI on Baremetal Installation Playbook
  hosts: provisioner
    - redhatci.ocp
    - node_prep
    - installer

4.8. Customizing the Node Filesystems

If you need to modify files on the node filesystems, you can augment the "fake" roots for the masters and workers under the roles/installer/files/customize_filesystem/{master,worker} directories. Any files added here will be included in the ignition config files for each of the machine types, leading to permanent changes to the node filesystem.

Do not place any files directly in the "fake" root — only in subdirectories. Files in the root will cause the ignition process to fail. (There is a task in the playbook to cleanup the .gitkeep file in the root, if it is left in place.)

This will utilize the Ignition filetranspiler tool, which you can read about for more information on how to use the "fake" root directories.

An example of using this customization is to disable a network interface that you need to not receive a DHCP assignment that is outside of the cluster configuration. To do this for the eno1 interface on the master nodes, create the appropriate etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1 file in the "fake" root:

mkdir -p $IFCFG_DIR
cat << EOF > $IFCFG_DIR/ifcfg-${IFNAME}

By default these directories are empty, and the worker subdirectory is a symbolic link to the master subdirectory so that changes are universal.

4.9. Adding Extra Configurations to the OpenShift Installer

Prior to the installation of Red Hat OpenShift, you may want to include additional configuration files to be included during the installation. The installer role handles this.

In order to include the extraconfigs, ensure to place your yaml files within the roles/installer/files/manifests directory. All the files provided here will be included when the OpenShift manifests are created.

By default this directory is empty.

4.10. Pre-caching RHCOS Images

If you wish to set up a local cache of RHCOS images on your provisioning host, set the cache_enabled variable to True in your hosts file. When requested, the playbook will pre-download RHCOS images prior to actual cluster deployment.

It places these images in an Apache web server container on the provisioning host and modifies install-config.yaml to instruct the bootstrap VM to download the images from that web server during deployment.

If you set the clusterosimage and bootstraposimage variables, then cache_enabled will automatically be set to False. Setting these variables leaves the responsibility to the end user in ensuring the RHCOS images are readily available and accessible to the provision host.

4.11. Disconnected Registry

A disconnected registry can be used to deploy the cluster. This registry can exist or can be created.

To use a disconnected registry, set the registries host name in the [registry_host] group in the inventory file.

4.11.1. Creating a new disconnected registry

To create a new disconnected registry, the disconnected_registry_auths_file and disconnected_registry_mirrors_file variables must not be set.

The certificate information used to generate the host certificate must be defined. These variables must be defined as variables to the registry_host group in the inventory file.

cert_country must be only two letters, i.e. US

4.11.2. Using an Existing Registry

If no existing registry is already existing for your fully disconnected environment, visit Creating a New Disconnected Registry section.

When using an existing registry, two variables labeled disconnected_registry_auths_file and the disconnected_registry_mirrors_file must be set. These variables are located within your inventory/hosts file and the inventory/hosts.sample file can be used as reference.

The disconnected_registry_auths_file variable should point to a file containing json data regarding your registry information. This will be appended to the auths section of the pull secret by the Ansible playbook itself.

An example of the contents of the disconnected_registry_auths_file is shown below.

cat /path/to/registry-auths.json
{"": {"auth": "ZHVtbXk6ZHsFVtbXk=", "email": "" } }

The auth password given base64 encoding of the http credentials used to create the htpasswd file.


[user@registry ~]$ b64auth=$( echo -n '<username>:<passwd>' | openssl base64 )  
[user@registry ~]$ echo $b64auth

The disconnected_registry_mirrors_file variable should point to a file containing the additionalTrustBundle and imageContentSources (OpenShift 4.13 and below) or imageDigestSources (OpenShift 4.14 and above) for the disconnected registry. The certificate that goes within the additional trust bundle is the disconnected registry node’s certificate. The imageContentSources adds the mirrored information of the registry. The below content from the install-config-appends.yml file gets automatically appended by the Ansible playbook.

cat /path/to/install-config-appends.yml
additionalTrustBundle: |

<image-config>: (1)
- mirrors:
- mirrors:
- mirrors:


+ <1> <image-config> is either imageContentSources for OpenShift 4.13 and below, or imageDigestSources for Openshift 4.14 and above.

Indentation is important in the yml file. Ensure your copy of the install-config-appends.yml is properly indented as in the example above.

4.12. Running the playbook.yml

With the playbook.yml set and in-place, run the playbook.yml

$ export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=./ansible.cfg
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

5. Verifying Installation

Once the playbook has successfully completed, verify that your environment is up and running.

  1. Log into the provision node

    kni user is my privileged user.
  2. Export the kubeconfig file located in the ~/clusterconfigs/auth directory

    export KUBECONFIG=~/clusterconfigs/auth/kubeconfig
  3. Verify the nodes in the OpenShift cluster

    [kni@worker-0 ~]$ oc get nodes
    NAME                                         STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION               Ready    master          19h   v1.16.2               Ready    master          19h   v1.16.2               Ready    master          19h   v1.16.2               Ready    worker          19h   v1.16.2               Ready    worker          19h   v1.16.2

6. Troubleshooting

The following section troubleshoots common errors that may arise when running the Ansible playbook.

6.1. Unreachable Host

One of the most common errors is not being able to reach the provisioner host and seeing an error similar to

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

PLAY [IPI on Baremetal Installation Playbook] **********************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname Name or service not known", "unreachable": true}

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************    : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

In order to solve this issue, ensure your provisioner hostname is pingable.

  1. The system you are currently on can ping the

  2. Once pingable, ensure that you have copied your public SSH key from your local system to the privileged user via the ssh-copy-id command.

    When prompted, enter the password of your privileged user (i.e. kni).
  3. Verify connectivity using the ping module in Ansible

    ansible -i inventory/hosts provisioner -m ping | SUCCESS => {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
        "changed": false,
        "ping": "pong"
  4. Re-run the Ansible playbook

    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

6.2. Permission Denied Trying To Connect To Host

Another very common error is getting a permission denied error similar to:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

PLAY [IPI on Baremetal Installation Playbook] *****************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).", "unreachable": true}

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

The above issue is typically related to a problem with your ansible.cfg file. Either it does not exist, has errors inside it, or you have not copied your SSH public key onto the system. If you notice closely, the Ansible playbook attempted to use my rlopez user instead of my kni user since my local ansible.cfg did not exist AND I had not yet set the remote_user parameter to kni (my privileged user).

  1. When working with the Ansible playbook ensure you have an ansible.cfg located in the same directory as your playbook.yml file. The contents of the ansible.cfg should look similar to the below with the exception of changing your inventory path (location of inventory directory) and potentially your privileged user if not using kni.

    $ cat ansible.cfg
  2. Next, ensure that you have copied your public SSH key from your local system to the privileged user via the ssh-copy-id command.

    When prompted, enter the password of your privileged user (i.e. kni).
  3. Verify connectivity using the ping module in Ansible

    ansible -i inventory/hosts provisioner -m ping | SUCCESS => {
        "ansible_facts": {
            "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
        "changed": false,
        "ping": "pong"
  4. Re-run the Ansible playbook

    $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

6.3. Dig lookup requires the python ‘dnspython’ library and it is not installed

One of the tasks in the node_prep role captures your API VIP and the Ingress VIP of your environment using a lookup via dig. It does this DNS query using the dnspython library. This error is a little deceiving because the dnspython package does not need to be installed on the remote server (i.e. but the package must be installed on your local host that is running the Ansible playbook.

TASK [node_prep : fail] ************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []

TASK [node_prep : Verify DNS records for API VIP, Wildcard (Ingress) VIP] **********************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'dig'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: The dig lookup requires the python 'dnspython' library and it is not installed"}

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************* : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0

The above issue can be fixed by simply installing python3-dns on your local system (assuming your using an OS such as Fedora, Red Hat)

On a local host running Red Hat 8.x, run:

# sudo dnf install python3-dns

On a local host running Red Hat 7.x, run:

# sudo yum install python2-dns

On a local host running Fedora, run:

# sudo dnf install python3-dns

Re-run the Ansible playbook

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

6.4. Missing python netaddr library

The Ansible playbook takes advantage of certain filters such as the ipaddr filter. In order to use this filter, your localhost running the Ansible playbook requires the python netaddr library.

The error when running the playbook looks like the following:

TASK [node_prep : Fail if Python modules are missing] ******************************************************************************
Tuesday 05 May 2020  19:30:19 +0000 (0:00:00.512)       0:00:13.829 ***********
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Missing python module(s) ['netaddr'] on localhost\n"}

The above issue can be fixed by simply installing python3-netaddr on your local system (assuming your using an OS such as Fedora, Red Hat)

On a local host running Red Hat 8.x, run:

# sudo dnf install python3-netaddr

On a local host running Red Hat 7.x, run:

# sudo yum install python2-netaddr

On a local host running Fedora, run:

# sudo dnf install python3-netaddr

Re-run the Ansible playbook

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml

6.5. Shared connection closed on provision host when installing packages

When deploying in an environment where subscription manager is not being used and a local repository is being setup on the provision host due to the nature that the provision host is offline, you may see the following error.

TASK [node_prep : Install required packages] ************************************************************************************************
Thursday 07 May 2020  17:04:21 +0000 (0:00:00.152)       0:00:11.854 **********
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "[Errno 101] Network is unreachable\r\n\r\n{\"msg\": \"Nothing to do\", \"changed\": false, \"results\": [], \"rc\": 0, \"invocation\": {\"module_args\": {\"name\": [\"firewalld\", \"tar\", \"libvirt\", \"qemu-kvm\", \"python3-devel\", \"jq\", \"ipmitool\", \"python3-libvirt\", \"python3-lxml\", \"python3-yaml\", \"NetworkManager-libnm\", \"nm-connection-editor\", \"libsemanage-python3\", \"policycoreutils-python3\", \"podman\"], \"state\": \"present\", \"update_cache\": true, \"allow_downgrade\": false, \"autoremove\": false, \"bugfix\": false, \"disable_gpg_check\": false, \"disable_plugin\": [], \"disablerepo\": [], \"download_only\": false, \"enable_plugin\": [], \"enablerepo\": [], \"exclude\": [], \"installroot\": \"/\", \"install_repoquery\": true, \"install_weak_deps\": true, \"security\": false, \"skip_broken\": false, \"update_only\": false, \"validate_certs\": true, \"lock_timeout\": 30, \"conf_file\": null, \"disable_excludes\": null, \"download_dir\": null, \"list\": null, \"releasever\": null}}}\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 0}

The error basically means that dnf was not able to load particular plugins, specifically the product-id and the subscription-manager plugins. However,since this is a local repository with offline access, we will want to disable these plugins when this error occurs.

On the provision host, if you run the following command:

[kni@provisioner ~]$ sudo dnf info dnf
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Unable to read consumer identity
[Errno 101] Network is unreachable
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:49 ago on Thu 07 May 2020 08:11:19 PM UTC.
Installed Packages
Name         : dnf
Version      : 4.2.7
Release      : 7.el8_1
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 1.7 M
Source       : dnf-4.2.7-7.el8_1.src.rpm
Repository   : @System
From repo    : rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
Summary      : Package manager
URL          :
License      : GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPL
Description  : Utility that allows users to manage packages on their systems.
             : It supports RPMs, modules and comps groups & environments.

To ensure the issue is plugin related, we can attempt to run the same command with plugins disabled as such:

[kni@provisioner ~]$ sudo dnf info dnf --disableplugin=product-id,subscription-manager
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:17 ago on Thu 07 May 2020 08:11:19 PM UTC.
Installed Packages
Name         : dnf
Version      : 4.2.7
Release      : 7.el8_1
Architecture : noarch
Size         : 1.7 M
Source       : dnf-4.2.7-7.el8_1.src.rpm
Repository   : @System
From repo    : rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
Summary      : Package manager
URL          :
License      : GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and GPL
Description  : Utility that allows users to manage packages on their systems.
             : It supports RPMs, modules and comps groups & environments.

If you notice, the portion that says

Unable to read consumer identity
[Errno 101] Network is unreachable

is no longer stated.

For this fix to be permanent, modify the /etc/yum.conf file and include the plugins=0 into the [main] section of the configuration file.

[kni@provisioner ~]$ cat /etc/yum.conf


7. Gotchas

7.1. Using become: yes within ansible.cfg or inside playbook.yml

This Ansible playbook takes advantage of the ansible_user_dir variable. As such, it is important to note that if within your ansible.cfg or within the playbook.yml file the privilege escalation of become: yes is used, this will modify the home directory to that of the root user (i.e. /root) instead of using the home directory of your privileged user, kni with a home directory of /home/kni

7.2. Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory

The Ansible playbook creates two containers (when enabled) to store a mirored registry and a caching webserver. When these containers are created, the playbook also creates a systemd unit file to ensure these containers are restarted upon the reboot of the host serving them.

Since these are systemd user services, when logging into a system to attempt a command such as systemctl --user status container-cache.service for the webserver or systemctl --user status container-registry.service for the mirrored registry, you may get an error such as:

[kni@provisioner ~]$ systemctl --user status container-cache
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory

What the following error is trying to address is that the parameter, DBUS_SESSIONBUS_ADDRESS, is not set.

In order to set this variable, we can export as follows:

export DBUS_SESSIONBUS_ADDRESS="unix:path/run/user/$id/bus"

Once that has been set, if you re-attempt the systemctl command, you should see output as follows:

[kni@provisioner ~]$ systemctl --user status container-cache.service
● container-cache.service - Podman container-cache.service
   Loaded: loaded (/home/kni/.config/systemd/user/container-cache.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-06-01 19:52:04 UTC; 49min ago
  Process: 36380 ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start rhcos_image_cache (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 36410 (conmon)

Appendix A: Using Ansible Tags with the playbook.yml

As this playbook continues to grow, there may be times when it is useful to run specific portions of the playbook rather than running everything the Ansible playbook offers.

For example, a user may only want to run the networking piece of the playbook or create just the pull-secret.txt file, or just clean up the environment — just to name a few.

As such the existing playbook has many tags that can be used for such purposes. By running the following command you can see what options are available.

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml --list-tasks --list-tags

playbook: playbook.yml

  play #1 (provisioner): IPI on Baremetal Installation Playbook	TAGS: []
      include_tasks	TAGS: [validation]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [subscription]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [packages]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [network]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [network_facts]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [user]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [services]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [firewall]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [storagepool]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [clusterconfigs]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [powerservers]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [cleanup, getoc]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [extract, pullsecret]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [rhcospath]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [cache]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [installconfig]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [metal3config]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [customfs]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [manifests]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [extramanifests]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [cleanup]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [install]
      TASK TAGS: [cache, cleanup, clusterconfigs, customfs, extract, extramanifests, firewall, getoc, install, installconfig, manifests, metal3config, network, network_facts, packages, powerservers, pullsecret, rhcospath, services, storagepool, subscription, user, validation]

To break this down further, the following is a description of each tag.

Table 1. Table Playbook Tag Description
tag description


It is always required. It verifies that everything in your environment is set and ready for OpenShift deployment and sets some required internal variables


subscribe via Red Hat subscription manager


install required package for OpenShift


setup the provisioning and baremetal network bridges and bridge slaves


regather networking facts of environment


add remote user to libvirt group and generate SSH keys


enable appropriate services for OpenShift


set firewall rules for OpenShift


define, create, auto start the default storage pool


directory that stores all configuration files for OpenShift


power off all servers that will be part of the OpenShift cluster


get the appropriate oc binary, extract it and place within /usr/local/bin


extract the OpenShift installer


copy the pullsecret to the pull-secret.txt file under the remote user home directory


set the RHCOS path


tasks related to enabling RHCOS image caching


generates the install-config.YAML


generates the metal3-config.YAML


deals with customizing the filesystem via ignition files


create the manifests directory


include any extra manifests files


Deploy OpenShift


clean up the environment within the provisioning node. Does not remove networking

A.1. How to use the Ansible tags

The following is an example on how to use the --tags option. In this example, we will just install the packages to the provision node.

Example 1
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml --tags "validation,packages"

The example above calls for the setup of the networking and installation of the packages from the Ansible playbook. Only the tasks with these specific tags will run.

Due to the dependencies in the playbook, the validation tag is always required.

A.2. Skipping particular tasks using Ansible tags

In the event that you want to always skip certain tasks of the playbook this can be done via the --skip-tag option.

We will use similar example as above where we want to skip the network setup and the package installation.

Example 1
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbook.yml --skip-tags "network,packages"

Appendix B: Using a proxy with your Ansible playbook

When running behind a proxy, it is important to properly set the environment to handle such scenario such that you can run the Ansible playbook. In order to use a proxy for the ansible playbook set the appropriate variables within your inventory/hosts file. These values will also be included within your generated install-config.yaml file.

# (Optional) Provide HTTP proxy settings

# (Optional) Provide HTTPS proxy settings

# (Optional) comma-separated list of hosts, IP Addresses, or IP ranges in CIDR format
# excluded from proxying
# NOTE: OpenShift does not accept '*' as a wildcard attached to a domain suffix
# i.e. *
# Use '.' as the wildcard for a domain suffix as shown in the example below.
# i.e.

1. If creating the mirrored registry, this system will require online access. The registry node may be a virtual machine in order to reduce physical server footprint.